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Name [A-Z] Phone Title Organizational Unit Ministry
Abubakar, Omar 780 476-6467    Constituency Assistant    Edmonton - Beverly - Clareview LEG
Abubakar, Omar 780 466-3737    Constituency Assistant    Edmonton - Meadows LEG
Adefuye, Oreoluwa 403 297-2206    Judicial Clerk    Court of Appeal Judicial JUS
Adelakun, Olaitan Alberta Supports Coordinator    Alberta Supports Contact Centre (ASCC) SCSS
Adeniyi, Olaoluwa 587 532-7639    Child Intervention Practitioner    Unit A, Paul First Nation CFS
Aderemi, Olu 780 638-4404    Case Manager    Government of Alberta (GoA) Recovery Initiatives PSES
Adesanya, Ola Data Engineer    Data Analytics and GIS PSES
Aduroja, Olugbenga 780 422-8950    Senior Lease Negotiator    Leasing Unit INFRA
Aftergood, Olivia 780 237-9020    Wildfire Intelligence Program Lead    Wildfire Operations Section FP
Aghedo, Osa 780 415-4925    FOIP Advisor    Access Services - Portfolio 1 SARTR
Agoye, Omolara 780 906-9705    Assessor    Unit F CFS
Agusiobo, Obianamma (Gabrielle) 780 638-3781    Administrative Clerk    Child Care Subsidy JET
Ahmed, Onia 780 415-2064    Legal Corporate Administrative    PNG Sales and Crown Land Data EM
Ainenehi, Ovie 587 340-1292    Senior Capital Planner    Corporate and Capital Planning Branch HLTH
Aireche, Ouassila (Sara) 780 427-1471    Administrative Support (Intervention Record Checks)    Administrative Staff - Edmonton Regional Office CFS
Akinwumi, Olu 780 644-4560    Manager    Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Branch IM
Akinyemi, Opeyemi Senior Policy Advisor    Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Development JET
Alabi, Olatokunbo 780 638-5100    Correctional Peace Officer    Edmonton Remand Centre PSES
Amery, Mickey, Honourable 780 427-2339    Minister of Justice    Members of Executive Council EXC
Amery, Mickey, Honourable 780 427-2339    Minister of Justice    Office of the Minister JUS
Amery, Mickey, Hon. MLA Deputy House Leader    House Leader's Office EXC
Amery, Mickey, Hon. MLA 780 427-2339        Government Members LEG
Anderson, Olga 780 422-0995    Business Analyst    Provincial Registries Operations and Planning HLTH
Aremu, Olamide Project Coordinator    Service Innovation and Digitization JUS
Asenso, Opoku 403 831-3061    Senior Data Analyst    Labour Market Analytics JET
Badejo, Olusanya 587 341-4924    Project Manager    Team 3 INFRA
Barcelo, Olga 403 216-5444    Constituency Assistant    Calgary - Foothills LEG
Bellerose, Oshea 780 451-2345    Constituency Assistant    Edmonton - North West LEG
Bello, Opeyemi 780 644-7176    Barrister and Solicitor    Trade, Innovation and Post-Secondary Legal Team JUS
Beregova, Oksana 403 297-7281    Judical Clerk    King's Bench Administration JUS
Bittman, Olivia Legal Assistant    Advanced Projects and Traffic Office (APTO) JUS
Brown, Odain 780 454-0411    Team Leader    Yellowhead Youth Centre (348) CFS
Buck, Oliver 587 785-4279    Service Enhancement Coordinator    Service Enhancements Unit TBF
Buera, Oscar 403 297-4529         King's Bench Administration JUS
Butz, Owen 780 644-8982    Environmental Investigations Manager (South)    Environmental Investigations Section EPA
Byrgesen, Ole 403 553-5053    Operations and Maintenance Technologist    Lethbridge Northern Irrigation Headworks AGI
Cameron, Opal 780 644-1141    Team Lead    Program Policy and Program Services SCSS
Chukwuemeka, Ozien 780 408-8410    TAS Administrator    Service Enhancements Unit TBF
Compton, Olivia 403 297-2199    Policy and Research Analyst    Workplace Policy and Legislation Branch JET
Cooper, Nathan, Hon. 780 427-2464    Speaker    Office of the Speaker LEG
Corpus, Oscar 403 695-2123    Operational Services    Calgary Remand Centre PSES
Cruz, Oscar 780 415-2328    Senior Farm Technologist    Plant and Bee Health Surveillance Section AGI
de Herdt, Olivia 780 644-8746    Apiculture Technician    Plant and Bee Health Surveillance Section AGI
Dechant, Oxana 780 415-1938    Trust Account Administrator    Financial Operations and Reporting JUS
Dipeolu, Olayinka 587 938-5634    Disability Caseworker    PDD North Zone SCSS
Don-Li, Olva 780 422-7283    Business Analyst    Program Support Unit SCSS
Dreeshen, Devin, Honourable 780 427-2080    Minister of Transportation and Economic Corridors    Office of the Minister TEC
Dreeshen, Devin, Hon., MLA 780 427-2080        Government Members LEG
Dreeshen, Devin, Hon., MLA 403 887-9575        Innisfail - Sylvan Lake (Sylvan Lake Office) LEG
Dreeshen, Devin, Hon., MLA 403 865-7580        Innisfail - Sylvan Lake (Innisfail Office) LEG
Dreeshen, Devin, Honourable 780 427-2080    Minister of Transportation and Economic Corridors    Members of Executive Council EXC
Eke, Ogechi 780 427-3529    Program Analyst    Alternative Compensation Delivery Unit HLTH
Elatuyi, Olakunle 780 427-4339    ICIP Program Analyst    Policy, Legislation and Intergovernmental Coordination INFRA
Elladen, Omar 780 293-1337    Curriculum Consultant, Wellness Education    Wellness and Languages Branch EDUC
Ellis, Mike, Honourable 780 415-9550    Deputy Premier and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services    Office of the Deputy Premier and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services PSES
Ellis, Mike, Honourable 780 415-9550    Deputy Premier and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services    Members of Executive Council EXC
Ellis, Mike, Hon., MLA, Deputy Premier 780 415-9550        Government Members LEG
Enwa, Oghenekome (Kome) 780 632-8685    Career and Employment Consultant    Vegreville Alberta Supports Centre SCSS
Eronini, Obinna 780 644-2048    OHS Lead Investigator    Occupational Health and Safety, Investigations Unit JET
Eveleigh, Oksana 403 356-7086    Career and Employment Consultant    Red Deer - Income Support SCSS
Eweka, Orobosa 780 422-5200    Sheriff    Court and Security Services (Edmonton) PSES
Ewhubare, Oviesan Senior Business Analyst    Strategic Design & Technical Integration JET
Ezoem, Onyeka 403 297-1973    Land Titles Analyst    Calgary Document Registration Services SARTR
Fadugba, Oluwafemi 403 297-3996    Child Intervention Practitioner    Hunterhorn Office CFS
Fagbenro, Olabisi Business Analyst    Reporting, Research and Evaluation PSES
Fajolu, Olugbenga 403 662-3660    Correctional Peace Officer    Calgary Correctional Centre PSES
Fakuade, Oyinkansola 780 203-3789    Director    Change Management Unit HLTH
Falade, Oluwatobi Senior Category Specialist    Category Management Delivery Services SARTR
Famade, Olufemi Child Care Program Support Coordinator    Child Care Business and Operations Support Unit JET
Farhat, Omar 587 346-9973    Senior Program Analyst    Provincial Programs, Services and Initiatives Unit JET
Faromika, Olalekan 780 624-5480    Correctional Peace Officer    Peace River Correctional Centre PSES
Fasola, Olayemi 780 643-1478    Caseworker Trainee    Unit A CFS
Fedyshena-Soltis, Olya 587 596-8283    HR Business Partner    Justice TBF
Fir, Tanya, Honourable 780 422-3559    Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women    Members of Executive Council EXC
Fir, Tanya, Honourable 780 422-3559    Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women    Office of the Minister ACSW
Fir, Tanya, Hon., MLA 780 643-6210        Government Members LEG
Foster, Omella Support Specialist    Alberta Supports Contact Centre (ASCC) SCSS
Frankish, Owen 780 644-8931    CRU Supervisor    Program Operations and External Relations AE
George, Olu 587 879-3763    Caseworker    Unit D CFS
Getson, Shane, MLA, Government Whip     Government Members LEG
Girard, Olyssa 403 340-7834    AISH Generalist    Red Deer - AISH SCSS
Glubish, Nate, Honourable 780 644-8830    Minister of Technology and Innovation    Office of the Minister TI
Glubish, Nate, Honourable 780 644-8830    Minister of Technology and Innovation    Members of Executive Council EXC
Glubish, Nate, Hon., MLA 780 644-8830        Government Members LEG
Glubish, Nate, Hon., MLA 780 416-2492        Strathcona - Sherwood Park LEG
Gonzalez, Oscar 780 422-7005    Water / Wastewater Specialist    Grants Administration TEC
Guthrie, Pete, Hon., MLA 780 427-5041        Government Members LEG
Hammond, Olga 780 644-5607    Facilities Assistant    Tenant Services INFRA
Handel, Olivia 780 644-8940    Integrated Resource Planning Assistant    Land and Environment Planning (North) Section - Planning Branch EPA
Hanson, David, Hon. MLA Deputy House Leader    House Leader's Office EXC
Hassan, Okeida 587 338-4595    Investigator    Investigation Unit SCSS
Hobwani, Oscar Policy Analyst    Resource Economics and Project Evaluations EM
Horner, Nate, Hon., MLA 780 415-4855        Government Members LEG
Horner, Nate, Honourable 780 415-4855    President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance    Office of the Minister TBF
Horner, Nate, Hon., MLA 587 799-1139        Drumheller - Stettler (Stettler Office) LEG
Horner, Nate, Hon., MLA 587 774-0306        Drumheller - Stettler (Drumheller Office) LEG
Horner, Nate, Honourable 780 415-4855    President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance    Members of Executive Council EXC
Hung, Olivia 587 784-0377    HR Operations Manager    Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction; Technology and Innovation TBF
Hunter, Grant, Hon., MLA     Government Members LEG
Ibude, Oluomachi (Lulu) 780 644-0692    Business Optimization Specialist    Process Enhancement and Regulatory Efficiencies / Strategic Relations IR
Igwe, Obianuju 780 427-2444    Case Coordinator    Land and Property Rights Tribunal MA
Ijose, Omobola 587 597-5497    Team Lead, ER/OHS    Infrastructure; Transportation and Economic Corridors TBF
Izegbu, Ogem Policy Analyst    Strategy and Planning JET
Jean, Brian, Honourable 780 427-3740    Minister of Energy and Minerals    Members of Executive Council EXC
Jean, Brian, Honourable 780 427-3740    Minister of Energy and Minerals    Office of the Minister EM
Jean, Brian, Hon., MLA 780 427-3740        Government Members LEG
Jean, Brian, Hon., MLA 780 588-7979        Fort McMurray - Lac La Biche LEG
Jones, Matt, Hon., MLA 403 215-8930        Calgary - South East LEG
Jones, Matt, Hon., MLA 780 644-8554        Government Members LEG
Jones, Matt, Honourable 780 644-8554    Minister of Jobs, Economy and Trade    Office of the Minister JET
Jones, Matt, Honourable 780 644-8554    Minister of Jobs, Economy and Trade    Members of Executive Council EXC
Jull, Oliver 403 340-7503    Legal counsel - Regional    Court of King's Bench Judicial JUS
Jurgea, Oana 780 691-8965    Manager, Strategic Economic Initiatives    Intergovernmental and Strategic Initiatives Unit JET
Kasem, Omar 825 468-4080    Education Assessor    International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) IM
Khruzina, Olga 780 427-0495    Financial Analyst    Financial Operations and Reporting JUS
Kihcayis-Stonechild, Orenda 780 427-4383    Policy Analyst    Indigenous Health Policy and Planning Branch HLTH
Kosenko, Oleksandr 780 427-4987    Program Analyst    Office of the Chief Medical Examiner JUS
Kowalchuk, Oksana 780 422-3211    Records Administrator    Teacher and Leadership Certification Branch EDUC
Kucharzow, Olivia 780 427-5613    Project Manager    Treasury and Risk Management Division TBF
LaGrange, Adriana, Honourable 780 427-3665    Minister of Health    Office of the Minister HLTH
LaGrange, Adriana, Hon., MLA 403 342-2263        Red Deer - North LEG
LaGrange, Adriana, Honourable 780 427-3665    Minister of Health    Members of Executive Council EXC
LaGrange, Adriana, Hon., MLA 780 427-3665        Government Members LEG
LaGrange, Adrianna, Honourable 780 427-5010    Member    Priorities Implementation Cabinet Committee EXC
Lakhani, Salma, The Hon. 780 427-7243    Lieutenant Governor    Office of the Lieutenant Governor EXC
Laporte, Olivia 780 408-8200    Correctional Service Worker / Correctional Peace Officer    Edmonton Young Offender Centre PSES
Lavriv, Oleg 780 427-8797    Protocol Agreement Coordinator    First Nations Engagement IR
Leung-Ly, Ophelia 780 408-8420    Employee Engagement Consultant    Alberta Public Service Communications and Employee Engagement TBF
Liew, Oi Cheng 780 427-9496    Regulatory Excellence Analyst    Regulatory Evaluation and Reporting EPA
Lisnytskyi, Oleksadr 780 672-0000    Constituency Assistant    Camrose LEG
Loewen, Todd, Honourable 780 644-7353    Minister of Forestry and Parks    Members of Executive Council EXC
Loewen, Todd, Honourable 780 644-7353    Minister of Forestry and Parks    Office of the Minister FP
Loewen, Todd, Hon., MLA 780 552-2010        Central Peace - Notley (Satellite Valleyview Office) LEG
Loewen, Todd, Hon., MLA 780 835-7211        Central Peace - Notley (Fairview Office) LEG
Loewen, Todd, Hon., MLA 780 644-7353        Government Members LEG
Long, Martin, Honourable 780 427-5041    Minister of Infrastructure    Members of Executive Council EXC
Long, Martin, Honourable 780 427-5041    Minister of Infrastructure    Office of the Minister INFRA
Luciw-Andryjowycz, Olesia 780 415-1456    Senior Manager, Reporting    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Data Access Unit HLTH
Matheson, Oliver 780 643-1037    Supervisor (Regional Employment Services)    Edmonton Mill Woods SCSS
McIver, Ric, Honourable 780 427-3744    Minister of Municipal Affairs    Members of Executive Council EXC
McIver, Ric, Hon., MLA 403 215-4380        Calgary - Hays LEG
McIver, Ric, Honourable 780 427-3744    Minister of Municipal Affairs    Office of the Minister MA
McIver, Ric, Hon., MLA 780 427-3744        Government Members LEG
Mirza, Omar Executive IMT Liaison    Enterprise Change Advocate Team JUS
Mohamud, Osman 780 974-1929    OHS Officer    Occupational Health and Safety, Investigations Unit JET
Molina, Olga 780 643-6563    Administrative Support    Administration North Zone SCSS
Motajo, Olusegun 780 641-9587    Manager    Public Health Standards and Regulations Branch HLTH
Musiiwa, Owen 780 454-0411    Child and Youth Care Counselor    Yellowhead Youth Centre (348) CFS
Nally, Dale, Honourable 780 422-6880    Minister of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction    Members of Executive Council EXC
Nally, Dale, Honourable 780 422-6880    Minister of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction    Office of the Minister SARTR
Nally, Dale, Hon., MLA 780 572-6161        Morinville - St. Albert LEG
Nally, Dale, Hon,, MLA 780 422-6880        Government Members LEG
Nazaruk, Olha 780 644-5361    Tester    Quality Assurance and Testing HLTH
Netsko, Oksana 403 478-3557    Probation Officer    Calgary North Office PSES
Netsko, Oksana 403 297-3127    Judicial Clerk    Court of Justice Operations JUS
Neudorf, Nathan, Honourable 780 427-0265    Minister of Affordability and Utilities and Vice-Chair of Treasury Board    Members of Executive Council EXC
Neudorf, Nathan, Hon., MLA 403 320-1011        Lethbridge - East LEG
Neudorf, Nathan, Honourable 780 427-0265    Minister of Affordability and Utilities and Vice Chair of Treasury Board    Office of the Minister AU
Neudorf, Nathan, Hon., MLA 780 427-0265        Government Members LEG
Nicolaides, Demetrios, Hon., MLA 780 427-5010        Government Members LEG
Nicolaides, Demetrios, Hon., MLA 403 216-5400        Calgary - Bow LEG
Nicolaides, Demetrios, Honourable 780 427-5010    Minister of Education    Members of Executive Council EXC
Nicolaides, Demetrios, Honourable 780 427-5010    Minister of Education    Office of the Minister EDUC
Nixon, Jason, Honourable 780 643-6210    Minister of Seniors, Community and Social Services    Members of Executive Council EXC
Nixon, Jason, Hon., MLA 403 638-5029        Rimbey - Rocky Mountain House - Sundre LEG
Nixon, Jason, Honourable 780 643-6210    Minister of Seniors, Community and Social Services    Office of the Minister SCSS
Nixon, Jason, Hon., MLA 403 871-0701        Rimbey - Rocky Mountain House - Sundre (Rocky Mountain House Satellite Office LEG
Nixon, Jason, Hon., MLA 780 643-6210        Government Members LEG
Nixon, Jason, Honourable 780 415-4855    Member    Legislative Review Cabinet Committee EXC
Nnani, Okwuchi 780 427-2251    Director of Stakeholder Relations    Office of the Premier EXC
Nur, Ossob Senior Policy Analyst    Policy Implementation Unit MHA
Oa, Annie 780 638-1237    TAS Administrator    Service Enhancements Unit TBF
Oad, Arun 403 348-3990    Bridge Technologist    Bridges TEC
Oad, Jaichand 780 415-1142    Water Projects Engineer    North Team TEC
Oad, Sabhago 780 968-4239    Operations Engineer    Operations - Stony Plain and Edson TEC
Oag, William 780 853-8235    Meat Inspector Trainee    Regional Meat Inspectioin AGI
Oakley, Robert 403 388-1933    Rangeland Agrologist, Prairie-Parkland    Integrated Land Delivery South FP
Oakson, Susan 403 297-8444    Legal Assistant    Crown Prosecutors JUS
Oancia, Liliana 780 427-5904    Assessment Analyst    Apprenticeship Delivery and Industry Support Services AE
Oates, Ashely 587 982-5139    TAP Practitioner    Youth in Transition CFS
Obaa, Zara 587 998-4205    Barrister and Solicitor    Calgary Office JUS
Obadimeji, Joseph 780 264-6349    Senior Category Manager    Category Management Delivery Services SARTR
Obaloker, Sam 780 638-5100    Correctional Peace Officer    Edmonton Remand Centre PSES
Obare, Alice 587 226-4299    Disability Services Caseworker    PDD South Zone SCSS
Obasan, Olatunde 780 638-4430    Audit Manager    Audit Operations TBF
Obasan, Oluyemisi 780 638-3057    ARTS and Issues Coordinator    Regulatory Assurance Division EPA
Obembe, Solomon 780 643-6478    Senior Analyst    Resource Economics and Project Evaluations EM
Oberg, Shelly 780 638-5285    Administrative Support (Trust Accounts)    Edmonton Remand Centre PSES
Oberst, Lindsey 403 754-6327    Administrative Assistant - Unit A    Red Deer - Central Region Child Intervention Services CFS
Obetkoff, Debbie 403 340-7187    Information Coordinator    Regional Information Services JUS
Obiajulu, Okey 780 833-4375    Regulatory Assurance Manager, Boreal District    Boreal District EPA
Obiechina, Nneka 780 638-2976    Case Manager    Government of Alberta (GoA) Recovery Initiatives PSES
Obott, Nyakno-Abasi Analyst    Business Modernization and Transformation SCSS
Obrien, Vanessa Bail Supervisor    Operations and Strategic Support and Bail Prosecutions JUS
O'Brien, Allan 780 644-7829    Executive Director, Student Financial Services    Systems Design and Operations Branch AE
O'Brien, Allan 780 644-7829    Executive Director, Student Aid    Student Financial Services AE
O'Brien, Allen 780 427-5147    Epidemiologist    Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit HLTH
O'Brien, Celine 780 415-1101    Executive Director, HWPB    Communicable Disease Control Branch HLTH
O'Brien, Colette 587 783-3025    Project Manager    North Region INFRA
O'Brien, Ivy 780 644-8415    Executive Director's Assistant    Rural, Urban, Métis and Inuit Education Branch EDUC
O'Brien, Jacquelyn 780 992-6985    Provincial Vaccine Depot Controller    Provincial Vaccine Depot HLTH
O'Brien, Kelly 780 644-7487    Public Guardian Representative    Edmonton Region SCSS
O'Brien, Lorna 403 821-2128    Project Coordinator    Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology ACSW
O'Brien, Mike 403 540-6928    Acting Director    Indigenous Agreements and Transition Supports CFS
O'Brien, Patrick 403 355-4417    Information Analyst    Calgary and Area CFS
O'Brien, Sheila 403 297-6799    Case Management Coordinator    Court of King's Bench Judicial JUS
O'Brien, Svitlana 780 268-3048    Foster / Kinship Care Caseworker    Foster, Kinship, Adoptions and Permanency Programs CFS
Obuekwe, Nkiruka 403 355-4013    Family Justice Assistant    Alberta Court of Justice (Family and Youth Division) - Managers JUS
Obuobisah, Helena Accreditation Analyst    School Accreditation, Monitoring and Print Services Branch EDUC
OByrne, Ryan 780 427-9257    Strategic Directions Consultant    Policy and Advisory, Forms, Documents, Training HLTH
Ocampo, Nina 780 427-6540    Staff Auditor    Edmonton Office LEG
Ocampo, Phebe Alberta Supports Coordinator    Alberta Supports Contact Centre (ASCC) SCSS
O'Casey, Lisa Alberta Supports Coordinator    Alberta Supports Contact Centre (ASCC) SCSS
Ocier, Rizalina 780 422-8319    Contracts and Grants Administrator    Implementation Unit MHA
Ockerman, Karen 780 427-7191    Investigator    Office of the Chief Electoral Officer LEG
Ocloo, Emmanuel 780 422-3897    Senior Manager, Reporting and Revenue    Reporting and Revenue CFS
Ocloo, Jonathan 780 415-1481    Claims Adjudicator    Out-of-Province Claims Unit HLTH
OConnor, Patricia AISH Generalist    Grande Prairie Supports Centre SCSS
O'Connor, Claudia Financial Analyst    Financial Reporting and Assurance EM
O'Connor, Colleen Senior Budget Officer    Capital Planning Branch TBF
O'Connor, Jill 780 643-2747    Team Lead    Parks Reservations SARTR
O'Connor, Jill 780 643-2747    Team Lead    Citzen Services Contact Centre 310-0000 SARTR
O'Connor, Kevin 780 361-1456    Sheriff    Wetaskiwin PSES
O'Connor, Martha 403 297-8477    Crown Prosecutor    Specialized Prosecutions (Calgary) JUS
O'Connor, Michael 780 415-1431    Operations Manager    Public Health Division HLTH
O'Connor, Michael 780 427-3523    Intermediate Claims Officer    Third Party Liability HLTH
Odaibo, Janice 780 644-1337    Income Support Contact Centre Advisor    Income Support Contact Centre SCSS
Odaro, Isoken 825 410-3473    Elector Services Data Coordinator    Office of the Chief Electoral Officer LEG
Oddleifson, Evan 587 385-7052    Manager, Modernization and Business Supports    Modernization and Buisness Intelligence TEC
O'Dea, Sara 780 422-2676    Executive Director, Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee    Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee SCSS
Odebiyi, Eunice 587 227-6400    Senior Program Planner    Program Policy and Stakeholder Relations AE
Odedra, Svetlana 403 297-8444    Executive Assistant to the Chief Prosecutor    Crown Prosecutors Office (Calgary) JUS
Odeen, Alicia 780 644-5015    Librarian    Library Services LEG
Odegard, Jason 780 427-9815    System Support Analyst    System Integration and Maintenance AE
Odegard, Jessica 780 644-8289    Consistency and Training Advisor    Access Services - Portfolio 1 SARTR
Odeleye, Jimi UNIX Analyst    Technical Services TI
Odell, Bryce Senior Psychometrician    Diploma Programs Branch EDUC
Odell, Rosanise 780 422-0669    Resource Analyst    Reforestation, Inventory and Biometrics Section FP
Odesola, Kemi 403 851-2144    Flood Recovery Admin    Parks Infrastructure Unit FP
Odigie, Emmanuel 403 369-3970    OHS Officer    Calgary JET
Odolot-Okumu, Sarah 403 297-8900    Program Officer    Alberta Advantage Immigration Program Branch (AAIP) IM
O'Donnell, Chris 403 505-1433    Child Support Services Worker    Olds SCSS
O'Donnell, Dominick 403 297-2747    Career and Employment Consultant    Alberta Supports SCSS
O'Donnell, Kelly 780 643-2977    Manager, Corporate Planning and Performance    Corporate Planning and Services JET
O'Donnell, Lina 780 415-2433    Probation Officer    Edmonton South Office PSES
Odorizzi, Jocelyn Information Security Officer 2    Vunerability and Zero Trust TI
Odorizzi, Katherine 780 717-3375    Business Coordinator    Edmonton North SCSS
O'Driscoll, Peter 403 362-1284    Manager    Brooks Child and Family Intervention CFS
O'Driscoll, Peter 403 529-3607    Manager    Medicine Hat Child and Family Intervention CFS
Odugbemi, Olusola 780 643-6271    Budget Analyst    Financial Planning TEC
Odumade, Thomas 780 644-7850    Emergency Management Issues Coordinator    Environmental Emergency Management Branch EPA
Odunze, Christognus 403 340-3200    Correctional Peace Officer    Red Deer Remand Centre PSES
Oduro, Comfort 780 644-2835    Governance Specialist    Evidence, Policy and Governance Branch JET
Oduro, Gabriel 780 644-2405    Director, Royalty and Revenue Reporting    Royalty and Revenue Reporting TBF
Oduro, Razak 780 643-6100    Senior Policy Analyst    Strategies and Program Support SCSS
Odutemowo, Opeyemi (Ope) 587 340-9708    Senior Policy Advisor    Post-Secondary Research and Innovation Strategy AE
Oelke, Gwi Young 780 624-6270    Paralegal    Crown Prosecutors Office (Peace River) JUS
Offin, Abena 780 427-2626    Accounting Officer    Financial Reporting and Operations INFRA
Ofner, Byron 780 422-8619    Audit Engagement Leader    Office of the Auditor General LEG
Ofodile, Ijeoma 403 297-2136    Worker Advisor    Worker Advisor Branch - Calgary JET
Ofori, Ben 780 619-3238    Manager, Trade Intergovernmental Relations    Trade Intergovernmental Relations JET
Ofori, Benjamin 780 643-3865    Portfolio Advisor    Affordable Grant Compliance SCSS
Ofori, Valentia Senior Planning and Performance Analyst    Business Planning EM
Ofori, Valentina Corporate Performance Analyst    Corporate Planning and Services IM
Oforiwaah, Elizabeth 587 337-9495    Health Compliance Officer    Inspections and Health Compliance HLTH
Ofreneo, Nimson 780 940-7442    OHS Officer    Occupational Health and Safety, Investigations Unit JET
Ofstedahl, Bonnie 780 401-7551    Director, Maintenance Enforcement Program    Maintenance Enforcement Program JUS
Ofstie, Kathy 403 355-4798    Administrative Support    Business Administration SARTR
Ogando-Piron, Patty 403 297-8594    Administrative Support    Alberta Supports - Westland SCSS
Ogbinar, Louwell 403 382-4261    Meat Inspector    Regional Meat Inspections AGI
Ogbomo, Omonefe 780 422-2416    Judicial Clerk    Court of Appeal Judicial JUS
Ogbonna, Chinaemerem 780 427-0649    Director    Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Branch IM
Ogbonna, Sandra Privacy Analyst    Privacy Services TI
Ogedengbe, Ayo 780 644-0889    Senior FOIP Advisor    Access Services - Portfolio 1 SARTR
Oghenefegor, Simon 403 592-2789    Land Titles Analyst    Calgary Client Services SARTR
Ogilvie, Lila 403 340-7691    Regional Administration Clerk    Central Region Section FP
O'Gilvie, Chenieve 780 643-6847    Assistant to the Executive Director    Justice Supports Branch JUS
Oginskyy, Anatoliy 780 427-5390    Production Economics Manager    Economics AGI
Ogle, Brennen 403 340-3200    Correctional Peace Officer    Red Deer Remand Centre PSES
Ogle, William 403 297-4396    Judicial Clerk    Court of Justice Operations JUS
Ogloff, Cindy 780 818-7503    Director, Business Modernization and Transformation Team    Business Modernization and Transformation SCSS
O'Gorman, Andrew 587 989-7913    Hydrometric Technologist    Edmonton EPA
O'Gorman, Courtney 403 297-7772    Judicial Clerk    Court of Justice Operations JUS
O'Grady, Patrick 587 982-3710    AFRRCS Telecommunications Support Technician    AFRRCS Operations PSES
Ogrodniczuk, Kerri 780 691-1826    Director, TAS Portfolio 1    Talent Acquisition Unit - Portfolio 1 TBF
Ogrondnick, Matt 780 778-1028    GIS Specialist    North Central Geospatial Unit EPA
Ogudo, Dilly 780 427-7233    Case Administrator    SafeRoads Alberta TEC
Ogunbamowo, Lara 780 644-4148    Senior FOIP Advisor    Access Services - Portfolio 2 SARTR
Ogunbe, Christina Business Analyst    Projects and Supports JUS
Ogunbi, Rukayat Digital Solutions Analyst    Business Modernization and Transformation SCSS
Ogunbor, Osagie 587 989-3512    Director    Communications SARTR
Ogundipe, Adeyemi Senior Economist    Health Economics Team HLTH
Ogundu, Precious 780 638-4663    Business Policy Analyst    Trade,Transportation and Labour Policy Section AGI
Ogunlana, Rebecca 780 422-1111    Support Staff    Crown Prosecutors JUS
Ogunleye, Kenny 403 701-5358    Project Manager    Team 5 INFRA
Ogunlusi, Stephen 780 427-4153    Business Process Analyst    Category Management Program Services SARTR
Ogunmiloro, Jed Digital Product Owner    Business Modernization and Transformation SCSS
Ogunsola, Seyi 780 643-6568    Captive Insurance Specialist    Insurance Regulations and Market Conduct TBF
Oguntade, Kenny 780 643-6536    Data and Contract Advisor    Data Development and Analytics SCSS
Oguntoye, Ibilola 780 415-0365    Financial Analyst    Banking Services SARTR
Oguntuase, Adenike 403 297-3137    Administrative Support    Court of Justice Operations JUS
Ogunyemi, Bidemi 780 641-9514    FOIP Administrator    Personal Request Services SARTR
Ogwang, Tanya 780 638-2838    Operational Officer    International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) IM
Oh, Hanna 780 644-4789    GIS Technologist    Resource Mapping and Analysis EM
Ohama, Vince 403 340-5545    Business Policy Analyst    Trade,Transportation and Labour Policy Section AGI
O'Hara, Colleen 403 297-8154    AISH Generalist    AISH Delivery SCSS
Ohiozebau, Ehimai 780 229-7228    Senior Manager, Air and Watershed Resource Management    Red Deer/North Saskatchewan EPA
Ohki, Makoto 587 414-2125    Supervisor of Application Services    Application Services LEG
Ohki, Richie 780 422-2625    Caretaker    Property Management - Government Centre INFRA
Ohl, Connie 780 644-4498    Field Services Manager    Central Services EDUC
Ohlhauser, Juliane 403 297-5358    Kinship Worker    Bowness Office CFS
Ohlsen, Amanda 780 427-9753    Postal Specialist    Sterling Place SARTR
Ohwerhoye, Tega Senior Purchasing Officer    Corporate Purchasing Section SARTR
Oiffer, Alex 780 644-8356    Ground Water Specialist    Cumulative Effects Management Planning Section - Planning Branch EPA
Oishi, Courtney 403 592-4022    Policy Advisor    Strategic Climate Policy Section EPA
Oishi, Lisa 780 644-7039    Business Applications Coordinator    Direct Operations North Zone SCSS
Oishi, Troy 403 695-2100    Correctional Peace Officer    Calgary Remand Centre PSES
Ojieh, Mark Digital Solutions Analyst    Business Modernization and Transformation SCSS
Ojih, Tega 780 427-1432    Information Officer    Health SARTR
Ojikutu, Paulina 780 422-6905    Supervisor    Edmonton Mill Woods SCSS
Ojikutu-E, Okikiola Modernization Project Supervisor    Business Modernization and Transformation SCSS
Ojo, David 780 624-5480    Correctional Peace Officer    Peace River Correctional Centre PSES
Ojo, Oluwafemi (Femi) 780 643-6799    Public Trustee Representative    Edmonton Office SCSS
Ojobe, Funmbi 780 238-1939    TAS Consultant    Talent Acquisition Unit - Portfolio 1 TBF
Okafor, Ancilla Policy Analyst    Proceedings Management Branch EM
Okaley, Anne 780 644-4580    Branch Administrator    Economic Policy and Investment Competiveness Branch JET
Okanlawon, Abiola 587 991-7512    TAS Consultant    Talent Acquisition Unit - Portfolio 2 TBF
Okara, Osborne 403 340-4801    Career and Employment Consultant    Red Deer - Income Support SCSS
Okata, Emmanuel 780 422-4056    Production Crops Economist    Economics AGI
Okbagaber, Senait 780 644-2294    Administrative Support    Unit D CFS
O'Keefe, Carol 780 427-4987    Medical Legal Records Technician    Records Unit JUS
Okeke, Adaobi 780 239-2941    Issues Manager    Newcomer and Multicultural Supports (NMS) Division IM
Okeke, Lucia Investigations Assistant    Occupational Health and Safety, Investigations Unit JET
Okere, Enyinnah 780 422-4910    Deputy Minister of Operations    Office of the Deputy Minister EXC
Oko, Shari 780 644-5780    Senior Legal Analyst    Business Services Unit INFRA
Okogun, Irene 780 644-2069    Legal Administrator, Commercial, Industrial, Recreation, Bed and Shore    Applications Unit FP
Okoh, Lauritta Business Analyst    Business Services FP
Okoh, Martins 780 422-5943    Team Lead, Grants    Contracts and Reporting Section EPA
Okoli, Chinaza 780 415-4641    Legal Analyst, Sales    Sales Unit FP
Okoli, Crystal Manager, Research and Policy    System Support and Policy Branch EDUC
Okolo, Ijeoma 780 644-2082    Stakeholder Relations Analyst    Engagement and Information Services MA
Okome, Uwem 780 454-0411    Child and Youth Care Counsellor    Yellowhead Youth Centre (348) CFS
Okon, Peju 780 903-1853    TAS Consultant    Talent Acquisition Unit - Portfolio 2 TBF
Okonofua, Michael 587 986-7685    Manager, Firewall and Load Balancer Operations    Technical Services TI
Okorie, Oguzie 587 686-7448    Legislative Coordinator    United Conservative Caucus Office LEG
Okoye, Chukwuemeka Information Security Officer 3    Cybersecurity, Governance, Risk and Compliance TI
Okpala, Tochu Business Analyst    Service Innovation and Digitization JUS
Okpara, Louisa 780 422-5798    Administrative Assistant    Evidence, Policy and Governance Branch JET
Okpere, Onayimi 587 436-8862    Disability Services Caseworker    PDD South Zone SCSS
Okrainec, Jennifer 780 623-5435    Parks Planner    North Region Section FP
Okrainec, Pat 780 623-5412    Senior District Maintenance Technician    North Region Section FP
Oksanen, Darren 587 784-5882    Manager, Spatial Information Management    Spatial Information Management INFRA
Okunade, Alaba Budget Analyst    Financial Planning EM
O'Kurley, Joseph 780 641-8896    Statute Administrator    Consumer Programs SARTR
Okwaning, Jennifer 403 297-7766    Administrative Assistant    FSCD South Zone SCSS
Okwuosa, Chibuzo 780 422-9209    Policy Analyst    Crown Agreement Management EM
Okyere, Yaw 780 415-4799    Hydrologist    Red Deer/North Saskatchewan EPA
Oladapo, Ibrahim 587 598-1722    Cost Manager    Building Design and Spatial Technology Section INFRA
Oladeji, Ifeoluwa 780 427-7062    Policy Analyst    Advanced Projects and Traffic Office (APTO) JUS
Oladunni, Sunday 780 427-7573    Senior Policy Advisor    Policy, Development and Coordination (PC) TEC
Olagbaju, Ifeolu 780 427-6514    Senior Economist    Economic Analysis and Modelling Unit JET
Olagun, Dami 403 589-5176    TAS Consultant    Talent Acquisition Unit - Portfolio 2 TBF
Olagunju, Dele 587 337-7727    Manager    Business Planning and Reporting PSES
Olagunju, Mariam 780 203-7908    Acting Manager, Trade Facilitation    Trade Competitiveness JET
Olajide, Peter Information Security Officer 3    Cybersecurity, Governance, Risk and Compliance TI
O'Laney, David 780 438-8509    Heritage Conservation Technologist    Historic Places Stewardship Section ACSW
Olaniyan, Benjamen Fish Disease Technician    Conservation Risk Mitigation Section EPA
Olaniyan, Esther 780 278-1678    Child Intervention Practitioner    Unit D CFS
Olaniyan, Omotola 587 785-7158    Industry Development Officer    Industry Relations Unit JET
Olaniyi, Mary Research Analyst    Insured Services Unit HLTH
Olaniyi, Sola 587 439-6234    Disability Services Caseworker    FSCD South Zone SCSS
Olasupo, Afolake 403 297-3316    Worker Advisor    Worker Advisor Branch - Calgary JET
Olatomirin, Olabanji 587 982-9342    TAS Consultant    Talent Acquisition Unit - Portfolio 1 TBF
Olatunde, Folaranmi 780 427-9546    Senior Strategic Program Analyst    Student Records and Operations EDUC
Olatunji, Juliet Business Standard Analyst    Business Operations Support PSES
Olatuyi, Lekan 780 644-1212    Contaminant Soil Specialist    North Operations EPA
Olawale, Feyisayo 780 422-6742    Business Analyst    Business Processes, Standards and Reporting Health HLTH
Olawale, Shola 780 903-6207    Caseworker    PDD North Zone SCSS
Olawale, Temitope 780 427-1810    Payroll Administrator    Pay and Benefits - Team A SARTR
Olayioye, Victor 587 334-1523    Systems Development Officer    Community Grants Unit ACSW
Olazabal, Angela 403 507-0442    Regional Licensing Officer    Program / Specialized Support Services CFS
Oldakowski, Konrad 780 644-3979    Budget Analyst    Financial Planning INFRA
Oldenburger, Joshua 403 388-3000    Correctional Peace Officer / Correctional Service Worker    Lethbridge Correctional Centre PSES
Oldfield, Colleen 780 638-2832    Advocate Representative    Office of the Advocate for Persons with Disabilities SCSS
Oldford, Alison 780 938-6440    Caregiver Practitioner    Unit F - Foster Care - Strathcona CFS
O'Leary, Kandee 780 910-3813    Exectuive Director    Appeals, Administration and Accountability Branch SCSS
Oleksiw, Jake 780 643-3854    Venue Services Assistant    Venue Services LEG
Oleksow, Jolene 780 422-8127    Business Analyst    Policy and Strategy MA
Olenick, Cheryl 403 852-0441    Workforce Consultant    Regional Employer Supports JET
Oliko, Kenneth 780 422-4371    Manager    Ministerial Correspondence Unit (MCU) CFS
Olinek, Anastasia 403 695-2100    Correctional Peace Officer    Calgary Remand Centre PSES
Oliquino, Raul 780 427-8863    Accounting Officer    Financial Reporting and Operations JET
Olivares, Marcela 780 644-5599    Policy Coordinator    Indigenous Women's Initiatives (IWI) Division IR
Oliveira, Andy 780 833-4344    Sheriff    Grande Prairie PSES
Oliver, Cathy 780 643-6798    Public Trustee Representative    Edmonton Office SCSS
Oliver, Kathy 780 427-7413    Senior Policy Analyst    Strategic Policy Services SARTR
Oliver, Kelsey 780 408-8200    Chief Sentence Administrator    Edmonton Young Offender Centre PSES
Oliver-Lyons, Brett 780 427-6480    Data and Research Analyst    Animal Health Surveillance Unit AGI
Olivier, Louwrens 780 512-3667    Manager    Disability Services Delivery North SCSS
Olivier, Renee 403 901-9762    Probation Officer    Siksika Justice Commission Office PSES
Olivieri, Anna 403 562-7389    Office Administrator    Frank Slide Interpretive Centre ACSW
Ollenberger, Adam 780 644-5156    Barrister and Solicitor    Edmonton Office JUS
Ollerhead, Victoria 780 422-3807    FOIP Admin    Access Services - Portfolio 2 SARTR
Olmstead, Devin 403 525-3105    Area Supervisor    Medicine Hat AE
Olnick, Cara 780 897-7129    Caregiver Practitioner - Kinship    Grande Prairie and Area Office CFS
Olobatuyi, Taiwo eHealth Policy Analyst    eHealth Strategy and Governance Unit HLTH
Olofinnika, Opeyemi Data Product Delivery Analyst    Data Centre of Excellence TI
Oloke, Tomi Senior Policy Coordinator    Strategic Services TI
Olol, Olol 403 297-8927    Sheriff    Escort Base PSES
Oloriz, Cheryl 403 662-3500    Correctional Service Worker    Calgary Young Offender Centre PSES
O'loughlin, Starr 780 419-3999    Manager, Delivery Services    Edmonton City Centre SCSS
Olowa, Godwin 403 662-3660    Correctional Peace Officer    Calgary Correctional Centre PSES
Oloye, Ola 587 646-1049    Manager, North East Team    Occupational Health and Safety, Investigations Unit JET
Olsen, Caitlyn J. 780 264-1594    Administrative Team Lead    Kinship Care South (360) CFS
Olsen, Chad A. 780 422-1111    Crown Prosecutor    Crown Prosecutors JUS
Olsen, Dustin 780 644-8830    Ministerial Assistant    Office of the Minister TI
Olsen, Jared 587 982-1249    Director, Financial Services    Financial Services PSES
Olsen, Jared D. 780 422-7467    Governance Analyst    Public Agency and System Governance Unit AE
Olsen, Kevin 403 382-4261    Meat Inspector    Regional Meat Inspections AGI
Olsen, Leah 403 388-3105    Development and Planning Technologist    Infrastructure TEC
Olsen, Lisa 403 297-8477    Legal Assistant    Specialized Prosecutions (Calgary) JUS
Olsen, Michelle 780 968-4215    Development and Planning Technologist    Infrastructure TEC
Olsen, Tim 780 644-4970    Director, Americas and Europe    Americas and Europe EXC
Olsen, Trevor 780 638-5963    Communications Coordinator    Service Design and Enablement TI
Olsen, Zack 780 643-2747    Data and Analytics Coordinator    Service Alberta Contact Centres SARTR
Olshansky, Brit 403 815-3257    Disability Services Caseworker    PDD South Zone SCSS
Olshaski, Matt 403 344-3755    Sheriff    Coutts District - 24Hr Operations PSES
Olson, Carla 403 695-2100    Correctional Peace Officer    Calgary Remand Centre PSES
Olson, Christan 403 388-3000    Correctional Peace Officer / Correctional Service Worker    Lethbridge Correctional Centre PSES
Olson, Craig 780 992-5938    Casework Unit Supervisor    Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre PSES
Olson, David 780 638-5100    Correctional Peace Officer Supervisor    Edmonton Remand Centre PSES
Olson, Diane 780 422-3450    GIS Engagement Analyst    Data and Geospatial Services TI
Olson, Erica 780 644-1388    Director    Strategic Policy, Legislation and Planning Unit SCSS
Olson, Katherine 780 644-1103    Director, Legislative Services    Legislative Services SARTR
Olson, Lisa 403 845-8297    Administrative Support    Drayton Valley District Office CFS
Olson, Marie Anne 780 427-6789    Executive Assistant to the ADM    Public Security Division (PSD) PSES
Olson, Sandra 403 754-6305    AISH Generalist    Red Deer - AISH SCSS
Olson, Sarah 403 331-9247    Disability Services Caseworker    Site #1Disability Services South - Lethbridge SCSS
Olson, Tracy 780 415-0473    Career and Employment Consultant    Parkland SCSS
Olsson, Tracy 780 638-5978    MIPM Problem Analyst    Continuity and Assurance Services TI
Olsthoornc, Michael Public Safety Officer    Kananaskis Public Safety Unit FP
Olthuizen, Jesse 587 986-5272    Project Coordinator    Government Facilities Branch INFRA
Oltshoorn, Michael 403 678-5508    Public Safety Specialist    Kananaskis Public Safety Unit FP
Olubowale, Oludare 780 427-1233    Team Lead, Business Services Branch    Business Services Branch EDUC
Oludiran, Ayo 780 638-9564    Technologist, Molecular Biology    Biology Unit AGI
Olufowose, Deborah 403 297-2995    Child Intervention Practitioner    Regional Services - Plaza 14 / Social Services Response Team (SSRT) / Child and Youth Support Program (CYSP) / Supports for Permanency (SFP) CFS
Olumese, Edirin 780 638-9418    Grant Advisor    Grant Program Delivery MA
Olusanya, Akinola Digital Talent Specialist    Digital Capability and Engagement TI
Oluseyi, Anuoluwapo Senior Project Management Support Specialist    Project Excellence Unit INFRA
Oluseyi, Tobi 587 337-1070    Manager, Digital Delivery    Digital Design and Transformation AE
Olutade, Yemisi Planning and Performance Advisor    Divisional Performance Branch EDUC
Oluwo, Mo Product Owner    OPGT Service Delivery SCSS
Olympia-Moore, Citas 780 422-8338    Assessment Technician    Assessment and Property Tax Policy Branch MA
Omala, Juma 780 644-5083    Acting Director    Agency Recruitment Policy TBF
Omar Effendi, Marina 780 422-2923    Temporary Foreign Worker Advisor    Complaint Resolution Unit JET
Omari, Svetlana Finance Agent    Operations JUS
O'Meara, Christopher 780 644-8352    Municipal Election and Governance Advisor    Municipal Advisory and Capacity MA
Omid, Jafar 780 638-3806    Engineer    Community Recovery Services - Northeast PSES
Omijeh, Joan 780 427-2444    Administrative Coordinator    Land and Property Rights Tribunal MA
Omijeh, Steve 780 203-3165    Director, Policy Coordination and Engagement    Public Health Standards and Regulations Branch HLTH
Omilian, Elizabeth 780 984-4752    Case Manager    Land and Property Rights Tribunal MA
Omisore, Chinwe 587 990-0470    Kinship Practitioner    Kinship South - Wahkotowin Stony Plain Unit B CFS
Omoghan, Margeret 587 341-1656    Entry Level CI Practitioner    Unit C - Sherwood Park Kinship CFS
Omonaiye, Juliet 587 985-6050    HR Business Partner    Environment and Protected Areas TBF
Omonfoman, Elohor 780 644-3074    Agency Governance Advisor    Strategic Initiatives, Evaluation and Agency Governance MA
Omoniyi, Abisola 587 532-8762    Senior Planning and Reporting Advisor    Strategic and Corporate Planning Unit MHA
Omoniyi, Richard 403 388-7790    AISH Generalist    AISH Delivery - Lethbridge SCSS
Omoregie, Dianabeth 780 415-6436    Child Support Worker    Child Support Services SCSS
Omotola, Oluwafemi 587 989-1687    Employee Relations Consultant    Seniors, Community and Social Services TBF
Omotosho, Deji 780 422-1111    Crown Prosecutor    Crown Prosecutors JUS
Omotoye, Kikelomo 780 644-3295    SAR Administrative Support    Species at Risk and Stewardship Section EPA
Omu-Odudu, Barbara 780 913-6361    Policy Analyst    Housing Policy SCSS
Omuojine, Lorita 780 427-4088    Information Officer    Consumers SARTR
Onaburekhalen, Helen 403 297-8047    Child Intervention Practitioner    McKnight Office CFS
Onaburekhalen, Michael 587 227-7751    OHS Officer    Calgary JET
Onah, Grace 780 415-6300    AISH Generalist    Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped SCSS
Onakoya, Ope Financial Analyst    Financial Operations and Systems EM
Onaselu, Temi 780 408-8400    Compensation and Job Evaluation Policy Advisor    Compensation and Job Evaluation Policy TBF
Onciul, Tammy 780 467-5195    Child Intervention Practitioner Supervisor, Unit B    Sherwood Park (356) CFS
ONeill, Robyn 780 532-7675    Assistant Communications Director    Communications EPA
ONeill, Shannon 403 748-3939    District Clerk    West Kananaskis Management Area Unit FP
O'Neill, Colleen 403 748-3939    District Administrative Support    David Thompson Management Area Unit FP
O'Neill, Jay 780 644-8096    Executive Director    Market Access Branch EM
O'Neill, Jennifer 403 297-8793    Manager, Non-Profit Housing    Private Non-Profit SCSS
O'Neill, Keith 587 594-4589    Senior Project Manager    Team 1 INFRA
O'Neill, Paul 403 542-1849    Contract and Procurement Specialist    Procurement and Resource Management South Zone SCSS
O'Neill, Xantha Financial Analyst    Financial Services Branch AGI
Ongere, Esther Senior Analyst, Planning, Reporting and ERM    Planning, Reporting and Performance Measurement Unit AE
Onoko, Jennifer 780 422-7139    Branch Administrator    Facilities Management Section AGI
Ontkean, Christopher 780 415-1877    Assistant Director    Central Services JUS
Onuoha, Amara HR Business Partner    Seniors, Community and Social Services TBF
Onuoha, Dumebi 403 596-6951    Contract Specialist    Strategic Procurement and Contracts CFS
Onuoha, Elly 587 585-4924    HR Business Partner    Seniors, Community and Social Services TBF
Onwudiwe, Emmanuel 780 499-3590    Issues Analyst    Strategic Integration Policy Branch AE
Onwuegbuzie, Augustine 780 415-9815    Career and Employment Consultant    Edmonton Mill Woods SCSS
Onwuekwe, Chinwe 780 427-7661    Human Rights Officer    Complaints Management JUS
Onwuka, Lauren 587 921-8836    Operations and Planning Coordinator    Energy Transition Division EM
Onyett, Courtney 587 532-9380    Senior Analyst    Strategic Engagement Unit EM
Onyia, Ifeanyichukwu 780 638-2943    Case Manager    Government of Alberta (GoA) Recovery Initiatives PSES
Onyschtschuk, Taya 403 297-6511    Land Titles Analyst    Calgary Document Registration Services SARTR

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